Phone icon with the emergency number 000 written beneath it.
Phone icon for the police assistance line 131 444. Text reads 'Police Assistance Line for non-emergencies'
Icon for the National Anti-Scam Centre. Text below icon reads, 'Victim of a scam, or suspect a scam'

Welcoming our new Ambassador.

Crime Stoppers Tasmania has appointed former police commander, Mark Mewis as our new Ambassador.

In making the announcement, the Chair of Crime Stoppers, David Daniels OAM, said he and the Board were incredibly pleased with the appointment and everyone was looking forward to working with Mark in 2025.

“He brings an incredible range of experience and understanding about tackling crime and its impact on the broader community and will be great asset to the Crime Stoppers brand”, said Mr Daniels.

Mark retired at the rank of Commander in 2023 after serving 42 years with Tasmania Police. He had worked in various operational roles as a senior investigator, intelligence analyst, dignitary protection officer, surveillance operative and regional manager, before becoming an executive leader in 2011, leading a number of key portfolios within the Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management (DPFEM).

Prior to retirement, Mark led a number of major transformational projects for DPFEM, including the implementation of body worn cameras, GPS tracking of family violence offenders, reforms to the justice system and the implementation of an integrated policing information system.

He has been awarded numerous medals and awards for his ethical and diligent service, including the Australian Police Medal in the 2012 Australia Day Awards.

Showing no signs of slowing down in retirement, Mark was appointed to the Board of the Mental Health Council of Tasmania in late 2023 and has been working as a principal advisor with a Tasmanian based consultancy firm.

Mr Mewis said that he was flattered to have been considered for the role with Crime Stoppers and was keen to start building on the great work already achieved by the organisation.

“The Board and team at Crime Stoppers are clearly passionate about reducing crime and making Tasmania a safer place for all”, he said. “That passion is infectious and I’m very much looking forward to being a part of the team going forward”.

Remember, if you have seen or heard about criminal activity or suspicious behaviour, please contact Crime Stoppers at or 1800 333 000. You can stay anonymous if you choose.

Thank you Mark, for your commitment to helping to create a safer Tasmania!

Pictured: Crime Stoppers Tasmania Ambassador Mark Mewis and Chair David Daniels OAM