Phone icon with the emergency number 000 written beneath it.
Phone icon for the police assistance line 131 444. Text reads 'Police Assistance Line for non-emergencies'
Icon for the National Anti-Scam Centre. Text below icon reads, 'Victim of a scam, or suspect a scam'

Crime Stoppers Tasmania puts the brakes on bike theft with Bikelinc

We are proud to introduce Bikelinc to Tasmania, an initiative of Crime Stoppers Western Australia.

With a bicycle stolen every day on average in Tasmania, Crime Stoppers Tasmania is bringing Bikelinc to the State – an online community tool that connects owners to their bikes.

A 2021 national cycling survey shows the number of Tasmanians riding at least once in the past year has increased by 27%, compared to the previous survey in 2019.

Bikelinc is for anyone who enjoys bike riding as a form of commuting, recreation or sport and doesn’t want bike thieves disrupting their cycling lifestyle.


Join Bikelinc for free and register your bike to help reduce theft and return bikes to their owners.
Unique serial numbers in the Bikelinc database allow police and the community to check if bikes are registered as safe, lost or stolen.

Bikelinc launch media release

Thank you to our program sponsors

  • Tasmania Police
  • Tasmanian Association of Police and Community Youth Clubs
  • Bicycle Network
  • Neighbourhood Watch

For more information please visit