Phone icon with the emergency number 000 written beneath it.
Phone icon for the police assistance line 131 444. Text reads 'Police Assistance Line for non-emergencies'
Icon for the National Anti-Scam Centre. Text below icon reads, 'Victim of a scam, or suspect a scam'

Crime Stoppers Anonymous Tipster Eligible for Reward.

The recent seizure of $140,000 worth of allegedly stolen property was due to a Crime Stoppers tip. And now the charity is asking the anonymous tipster to claim their well-deserved reward.

Crime Stoppers Tasmania Ambassador Mr Mark Mewis said that the information received through Crime Stoppers, was key to Tasmania Police obtaining a search warrant.

“Crime Stoppers receives information about a wide range of crimes. Some contain small valuable details, and others, such as this tip, contain enough critical information to direct police investigations,” said Mr Mewis.

“When information given through Crime Stoppers leads to an arrest or charges, that person may be eligible to receive a reward – even when we don’t know who they are.

“Every tip receives a unique reference code which can be used to enquire about the status of an investigation and the possibility of a reward by calling 1800 333 000 during business hours.

“Crime Stoppers offers rewards of up to $2,000, the value of which is assessed by an independent Board of Directors. We encourage this tipster to make contact and claim a reward.

“The process of claiming a reward is a safe and secure system that Crime Stoppers has had in place for its 30 years of operation. We have offered two rewards so far this year – one for animal cruelty and the other for illicit drug dealing,” Mr Mewis added.

Detective Sergeant Jamie Hart said Detectives from South East Criminal Investigation Branch launched an investigation and recovered the allegedly stolen property after detailed information was anonymously provided to Crime Stoppers Tasmania.

“A significant amount of the recovered property has been linked to burglaries and shoplifting incidents reported in the greater Hobart area, and a 31-year-old woman has been charged and will appear in court in June”, said Detective Sergeant Hart.

“Crime Stoppers supports police work by enabling the community to provide critical information, without getting involved.

“This is the perfect example of how detailed information provided anonymously to Crime Stoppers can result in the recovery of stolen property and offenders being charged”, Detective Sergeant Hart added.

A good tip can be invaluable to police investigations. The more detail included, the more it can help.

The best tips give details of what people see or hear. Crime Stoppers want to know:

  • names and addresses
  • date and time
  • descriptions of people – age, build, hair style/length/colour, facial hair, height, tattoos and piercings
  • information on vehicles – colour, registration, make and model, any distinctive features such as roof racks or damage
  • activity – what are people doing, comings and goings, weapons or other items being carried, language and voice
  • and anything else seen or heard that you can recall

“Crime Stoppers exists for the community to play their part and provide information about suspicious behaviour or unsolved crime, with the option to stay anonymous if they choose,” said Mr Mewis.

If it’s not right, speak up to Crime Stoppers, and stay anonymous if you choose. or 1800 333 000

Pictured: Detective Sergeant Jamie Hart & Crime Stoppers Tasmania Ambassador Mr Mark Mewis